If you're a PC racer in need of more SIM, the rFactor games are in a Steam sale. Scheduled to end at about 6PM today (7PM CET, 1PM EST), Image Space Incorporated's first self-published sim starts us off with a 75 percent discount. Usually listed at a slightly eyebrow-raising £18.99, rFactor is just £4.74 (€5.74 or $6.24) today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u99pIKUQWg As … [Read more...]
A new Reiza Studios name: Automobilista
Following years of somewhat nondescript game labels, Reiza Studios has introduced a new brand to its racing line-up: Automobilista! Due in the first quarter of 2016, Automobilista – also known as AMS – will update and extend the content of Reiza Studios' current Stock Car Extreme sim. As regular revisions have continued the 'Stock Car' line over the last few years, so … [Read more...]
Assetto Corsa: Early Access in the Steam Sale
A mere six weeks after its arrival on the Steam Store shelves, Kunos Simulazioni's new signature piece, Assetto Corsa, has found the good fortune of a two-day promotion within Steam's Holiday Sale 2013. Still an Early Access game, Assetto Corsa is just £22.49 for the brief period of this offer ($29.99 and €26.24). Originally a discounted £29.99/€34.99 on release, the current … [Read more...]