The second car pack for Forza Motorsport 4, the Forza Motorsport 4 'Speed Pack' will be available for download from November 1st via the Xbox Live marketplace for 560 MS Points (Unless you've already signed up for the Season Pass), and features 10 new cars. There's a little something for everyone as the vehicles chosen span from 1957 to 2013, and a range of classes. That's … [Read more...]
Gran Turismo 5 major update and makeover
Forza 4 is coming out shortly, and by complete coincidence, Gran Turismo 5 is now getting a makeover. In what Polyphony Digital are calling a screamingly unsexy “Functionality Update”, there are some major changes afoot. So is it going to be snog, marry or avoid? The early signs are it may be a candidate for marriage, and the date is already set for 11th October. GT5 is … [Read more...]
F1 2011 secrets revealed on Twitter
Detailed information about inclusions, tweaks and updates for the forthcoming F1 2011 have been few and far between, but Steve Hood, Chief Game Designer for F1 2010/11, has revealed many snippets of information via his Twitter account (@T4RG4) not mentioned in official press releases. Hood is preparing for the first public screening of the game at Gamescom 2011 in Cologne, and … [Read more...]
Shift 2 Unleashed – Speedhunters DLC Video
Shift 2 Unleashed Speedhunters DLC now available
The first Downloadable Content for Shift 2 Unleashed, the Speedhunters pack, is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace for 800 points, and will be coming to the Playstation Network shortly after the recent problems Sony has been experiencing. The Speedhunters pack features two new career modes, with Drag and Standing Mile options. Both require manual gears to play, and have … [Read more...]
‘Legends Pack’ DLC now available for Shift 2 Unleashed
The new Legends Pack for Shift 2 Unleashed is now available for 800 MS points on the Xbox Live Marketplace, and will be coming to PS3 once Sony have resolved the current problems with the Playstation Network. It features 13 classic cars and five evocative and challenging classic race tracks. It's nice to see some different choices included, perhaps reflecting a more European … [Read more...]
Buy special packs of razors, get a new Camaro SS in GT5
Shick shaving products is currently running a promotion with free PS3 DLC if you buy a limited edition special pack. Alongside content for Killzone 3 and Infamous 2, you can also submit a code to download the Chevrolet Camaro SS “Edge Special” in Gran Turismo 5. Basically you buy your razorblade or shaving gel, find the code, go here to enter it, and then you get a PSN code … [Read more...]
TDU2 bug response – patch and premium DLC pack for free
The release of Test Drive Unlimited 2 has not gone without problems, as a number of bugs have been discovered, particularly around online connectivity and save game corruptions. An open letter to the TDU2 community from publishers Atari and developers Eden has confirmed that a patch is now live for the PC version, and is in approval for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 … [Read more...]
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit – new DLC Trailer
Three new DLC packs for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Three new downloadable content packs have been announced for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, with the first one due for release on February 22nd, 2011. The 'Armed and Dangerous' pack contains two new games modes. 'Most Wanted' is an open world battle with cops out to tackle a specific racer as the racers battle to protect them by making use of the world, weaponry and team … [Read more...]
FM3 Community Classics multiplayer collision fix
It appears that the Forza Motorsport 3 Community Choice Classics DLC pack had 'some collision issues in multiplayer'. As a result Turn 10 have fixed the problem, and are now requesting gamers delete the Community Pack from your hard drive and re-download the pack via your download history. To do this, here's the instructions: Deleting the Pack1) From the Dashboard, go … [Read more...]
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit ‘Super Sport’ DLC Trailer
New FM3 DLC – Community Choice Classics Pack
The Community Choice Classics Pack will be available to download as an add-on to Forza Motorsport 3 on Tuesday, December 14th, 2010, at a cost of 400 Microsoft Points. The pack was selected by Forza fans at motoring blog Jalopnik and features 10 classic cars from an original voting list of more than 100. The eventual selection runs from 1957 to 1990: … [Read more...]
Trials HD Review – 4/5
Trials HD is an unusual game - it originally started life as an online flash game played on your PC, but since then it's evolved into a PC game, and in the case of this version, an Xbox Live Arcade release retailing for 1200 MS points. Developed by Red Lynx, the game has stayed true to it's roots by remaining incredibly simple and addictive. You control a trials rider and … [Read more...]
Big Thrills DLC released for Trials HD
The Big Thrills downloadable content pack is now available for Xbox Live Arcade Game, Trials HD, for 400 MS Points. You may have experienced trials either on the Xbox, or as an online flash game, with the deceptively simple concept of controlling a trail bike rider over a huge number of increasingly bizarre obstacles. All you can do is accelerate, brake and lean, but it's … [Read more...]