Seven years after the original racing game focused on destruction, Wreckfest 2 has launched on Steam Early Access for the PC. Once again developed by Finnish developers Bugbear Entertainment, it’s currently available for £24.99, with a 20% launch discount for two weeks making it £19.99 until April 3rd, 2025

As an Early Access release, it’s now abailable with a starting amount of content and game modes, which include either single or multiplayer racing against up to 23 humans and bots, along with destruction derbies, taking place on three maps, the Scrapyard, Speedway and Derby arena. There’s also a single player Testing Grounds sandbox map.

Initally there’s a choice of two 1960s and 1970s American muscle cars, a 1980s European compact banger car, and a 1990s US intermediate banger car to drive, with basic paint customisation. Plus you get the first version of Replay mode, and leaderboards up and running.

Obviously more features and content will be added as Wreckfest 2 approaches a full launch on PC and consoles. Interestingly, Bugbear have already stated the current minimum PC requirements will also get lower during that period (Core i5 8600/Rysen 5 3500 CPU, 8 GB RAM, GTX 1060/RX 580 GPU and 15 GB of storage), which is refreshing considering how system intensive big modern games have become.
I’m a big fan of Wreckfest, having played through it almost three times with the excuse of grabbing the achievements on the Xbox and PC GamePass after already going through everything on Steam ages ago. And I’m definitely interested to see what happens with the revamped career mode and skill-based matchmaking, as aside from the online tournament challenges, the single player experience didn’t offer a lot of replayability once you’d completed every series.
The Early Access period is expected to last ‘a minimum timeframe of 12 months’, and the price will increase over that time. Which is good for PC gamers eager to try it out, although it’s not quite so fun for console fans waiting a while longer.
You can find Wreckest 2 for the PC via Steam Early Access. And keep up with all the latest Wreckfest 2 news, updates and more, here.
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