Released in Early Access in September 2024 to mixed reviews, GT Manager Update 3 has been released by developers The Tiny Digital Factory, adding a much requested saving system, three new Acura cars, and a number of bug fixes.
You can now save or resume your progress at any time or run multiple saves, which will be helpful. There’s also been a number of adjustments to AI, tyre durability and temperatures, sponsor values, race team salaries and more.

GT Manager Update 3 V0.9.2 Release Notes:
- Adding new team messages in race
- The driver’s stamina displays only one “0” instead of two when it’s worn out
- The tire degradation is now properly displaying on the icon above the car
- The hover stats’ bubbles are now displaying above the pit stop reminder
- The hover feedback of the selected pilot is now activated only when we hover it and not when we select him (shortcut included)
- The icon category of the season is now properly updated in the qualification result
- The feedback of the trail behind the car when they are at third speed is now disactivated when there is a yellow flag
- The order of the labels modifiers is fixed in the practice
- The color of the tire degradation slider located on the badge of the pilot 3D is the same color of the type of the tyre used
- The feedback of the yellow flag on the first speed is now removed in the pit stop when the full yellow course is disactivated
- In practice, the pilots’ images in the result and historic are replaced by their name (3 letters)
- Fix text “finished” by “OUT” in race leaderboard on LAP state
- Fix weather prediction text, it can’t be 0 or maxLap + 1
- Update Main Menu (garage) scene Lighting + Anims
- The fast forward button animation is reset between two practice laps
- The time of the pit stop when there is a refuel and a driver swap is now correct
- The option’s texts are directly changing when we swap language
- 3 new Acura cars
- Update India camera entry and exit pit lane position
- fix water shader issue with day time
- System of time of the day
- Cards import with new researcher stats
- Balancing cards distribution
- Balancing economy (sponsors value & Racing crew staff salary)
- Activating FCY panels on the track during a FCY
- Fix can’t enter showroom after a manufacturer race
- Balancing global des stats in race:
- Up the Tire durability impact
- Engine temperature balancing (and fix value)
- Round engine and tire temperature to 0.00 format
- Balance tire temp
- Medium tire balancing (more durability)
- Fuel balancing (lower consumption and push to pass fix)
- Fix manufacturer when the IAs don’t have the proper PI
- The displaying of the manufacturer progression bar is now working correctly
- Fix boost IAs
- IAs during the qualifying start at 10 liters instead of 50 liters
- The engine temperature is no longer reset at 80 during a pilot swap
- Fix on the manufacturer’s objectives when a car located a place below the objective still validate it
- The engine temperature continue to decrease when the car is in the pit stop
- The tires strategy is displaying properly in the race result when the race ends before 15 or 30 laps
- New formula upgrade for the cards stats (+5%)
- New design for the “completed” label in the manufacturer and championship
- It’s possible to select only the season sponsor
- The bloom option is disactivated with the quality medium
- Feature main menu with the save system
You can buy GT Manager for the PC via Steam Early Access here, check out the latest news and updates here, or the full GT Manager car list, here.
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