There can’t be much in motorcycling which isn’t included in the motorcycle simulator from Mad Cow, as now TrackDayR Update adds Trials and new tracks. One of the venues is the X-TRIAL circuit filled with obstacles to tackle in the fastest possible time. The other is the fictional French location of Saint-Denis, with both Tarmac and Supermoto layouts available.

If you’re not familiar with trials riding, the aim is to clear a route of seemingly impossible obstacles with precise control of both motorcycle and rider position. And having had tuition from seven-times world outdoor, and five times indoor, champion Dougie Lampkin in the past, I can vouch for the incredible skill required.
So while it took me a day to learn how to make it over simple logs and ditches, now I can see if I understood enough to tackle shipping containers and concrete pipes without any risk to myself, or my pride.
Along with the new Trails bike, helmet and track, the update also adds the two Saint-Denis layouts, plus a new electric Supermoto HSM-E bike. And there are also now fully-customisable first and third person cameras included in TrackDayR, letting you decide things like the helmet attachment point (head, neck or chest).

TrackDayR Update Release Notes:
- Bugfix invalid character in steam name freeze at loading screen
- Improved angular drag stability
- New management of virtualrider impact absorption.
- Add new tag #INSTANTCRASH to enable instant cashing on hit this kind of collider
- Add possibility to add subobject on helmet ( experimental )
- Improved the new “rider shock absorber” simulation ( less linear/sharp)
- Bugfix on “detach instant” from ground
- Bugfix on “slope influence on handlebar steering”
- Start coding exclude bike without checksum from multiplayer
- Improved TPS calculation by including grip and compound
- Creation of the classes and subclasses for TPS
- Class and/or subclass selection in create multiplayer menu
- Forced class selection in join menu
- Removed bikes without checksums from both server and join
- Updated race duration selection with closer steps ( 10 15 20 min )
- NEW Third person camera code
- NEW Third person camera in game customization
- Add ground damper
- Fix slide follow
- Improved code of new camera
- Reduced range of slope 0 – – 0.2
- Uniform transition from ground to air
- Add time slider
- Hotfix F2 now close the menu
- Add Pivot 3d location visible in edit cam
- Change default pivot position ( look On CoG, Look Off Steer )
- Separate position damper ( X lateral, Y vertical, Z forward )
- Multiple pivot choice ( default Dynamic CoG )
- Improved lookat distance calculation
- New global Yoffset
- Add vertical damper
- Hotfix z damper
- Hotfix slope follow
- Hotfix obstacle impact
- Hotfix back velocity
- Add smooth follow setting
- General hotfix on camera damper
- Remove possibility to load/save custom camera ( for now ) only all camera was ( save/load )
- Hotfix on steering by lean code
- Add new camera type selector with 2 options ( action and smooth follow )
- action is the current new cam
- Add reduced damper in air slider
- Add preset save on menu
- Add preset switch on menu
- Add preset reset on menu
- Add preset switch in game ( key 1,2,3 )
- Add current preset info in game when switch
- NEW TPS with subclasses
- NEW TPS locked in multiplayer
- Improved lowspeecd error check
- Bug fix garagemod on loading tdr files
- Turn off in air auto pitch
- Hotfix start with afternoon default
- Improved smooth camera slide damper
- Hotfix restart camera position
- Hotfix timeattack start camera position
- NEW Saint Denis Supermoto track
- NEW Saint Denis Road track
- NEW HSME electric supermoto
- Improved torque engine HMXE
- Updated enduro hill track
- Add Dynamic fov ( default off )
- Adding dynamic distance in relation to dynamic fov
- Working on raise bike to prevent front wheel bug
- Add new POP jump on balance mode
- Add in air turn Yaw in BALANCE mode
- Updated all Dirt bikes suspension data
- Bugfix rider pelvis on stuck situations
- Added impulse force ( lean forward ) during stuck situations
- Improved and made the low-speed balance system more engaging
- Add “sidejump” with right ( after perform popup )
- Hotfix transition code on action camera
- Hotfix lowspeed glitch in action camera
- Hotfix slide follow on action camera
- Hotfix ground follow on action camera
- Hotfix avatar head shaking in lowspeed/jump
- Add trial category on bike selection
- Add trial category on track selection
- Update some allowed category
- Bugfix of the “has hit” code (this is the part of the code that determines whether the tire is hitting the ground or not)
- Retouched lighting and wardrobe background for better visualization
- Fine-tuned the steering .bike file for the trial bike to have smoother steering
- Added a new terrain control height on the camera (to prevent the camera from being hidden by props or terrain).
- Improved new steering code
- Hotfix steering system during raising
- Added lateral movement due to physical stresses on the rider’s pelvis
- Automatic set 1080 resolution in first clean installation
- Bug fix on screen resolution setting
- Optimized angular rool procedure call from 80 per frame to 1 per frame
- Adjust tapbrake according the turned off pitch tapilization help
- Update motor arena track
- Tuning of the opacity and saturation of the cloud shadows
- Tuning of cloud opacity
- Tuning of sky exposure
- Tuning lateral movement according to the inertia of the bike
- Tuning forward-backward movement according to the tilt of the bike
- Hotfix in suspension speed calculation and movment
- Add a parameter inside INI of track to force BALANCE mode ( x-trial )
- Improved procedural animation code to fix elbow problem
- New lean forward animation pose
- New leanback animation pose
- Improved frame collision on frontal impact
- Clamp vertical pelvis movment to avoid elbow rig problem
- Changed stand up whip pose
- Hotfix popup during sitting -> standing transition
- Added crowd sound to x-trial track
- Hotfix head during rotation in air ( trial )
- Add possibility to load small mp4 in the Race Menu to show selected track ( available on x-trial)
- Add Alert in Menu selection indicating that the selected track has a mandatory ride style
- Light tuning on x-trial
- Add tips/help panel on x-trial track
- NEW trial helmet
- Upadted esm-body for livery
- Bugfix head disappear on exit replay
- Add external Message Info from track ini
- Hotfix free rev engine BUG
- Hotfix steering range clamp BUG on ruts / berms
- Hotfix illumination on x-trial
- Hotfix extended range in a smoothlook camera in air damper
- Bug fix on calculation height of smoothlook camera
- Changed reset/reload default camera settings
- Removed customcamera
- Update HelmetCamMX
- General wheel code cleaning ( mainly clamp calc in to realistic physical range )
- Add news & updates DIALOG ( show automatic only first time )
- Add news & update menu button
- Hotfix save third person
- Hotfix preset button
- Switch action camera to default one
- Add a new action cam at solt 1 or 2 idk i’ve a lot o mess in my brain
- New reworked Action Camera code
- New anchor poitn os helmetcam ( lower )
- New Action cam preset 1
- New Helmet MX Preset
- New reworked Action Camera code
- New anchor poitn os helmetcam ( lower )
- New anticipation code based on roll angle
- New Action cam preset 1
- New Helmet MX Preset
- Stabilization of the code that calculates the inclination of the horizon
- New parameter that allows you to choose the helmet attachment point ( chest, head, neck )
- Rebooted dedicated servers for the new version
- Fixed a bug that prevented races from loading
- Fixed a bug that prevented choosing the bike
- Bugfix spawn bike in grid
- Bugfix total lap count in multiplayer race
- Bugfix broken photomode cam in multiplayer
- Buffix broken look back in multiplayer
- Bugfix invalid lap at start in multiplayer
- Bugfix continuous/random invalid lap during race in multiplayer
- Bugfix broken podium multiplayer race
- Bugfix weird random instant stop ( mainly multiplayer race/trackday )
- Add elbow speed animation on road bikes
- Revisited actioncam preset Nr.2
TrackDayR is available for the PC via Steam. And you can keep up with all the latest TrackDayR news, updates and release details, here. You can also check out the full TrackDayR bikes list here, and the TrackDayR circuit list, here.
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