There’s a relatively small list of changes from developers Mad Cow with TrackDayR Update released, but it does add a new method for crowds to be displayed at supercross events without your frame rate being hammered by the additional assets on screen.
Apparently with the old system tested on an empty screen, 50,000 instances would drop the rate to about 8 fps, whereas with the new GPU instancing technique being used, 90,0000 instances doesn’t drop the frame rate below 200fps, which is nice. And means a larger crowd can now come and celebrate your victories. Or watch you fall off at the first turn.
Either way, it’s good to see optimisation being accomplished for the motorcycle sim, which was first released in 2021. With so much new content being added since then, I’ve never really seen issues with the graphical performance in-game, but changes like this will add to screenshots and videos, along with the atmosphere when you’re racing.
Aside from that change, the other details for the update are a new illuminated totem to show positions and the time remaining, fixes for scrolling through lobby lists and closing rooms in multiplayer, and the ability for modders to add both the crowds and totem to their own creations.

TrackDayR Update Release Notes:
- NEW crowds with GPU instancing (on all the SX circuits)
- NEW backlited totem that shows position and remaining laps
- Fix scrolling a multiplayer lobby list
- Fix closing room during trackday multiplayer session
- NEW ability to place multiple meshes on Unity for crowd
TrackDayR is available for the PC via Steam. And you can keep up with all the latest TrackDayR news, updates and release details, here. You can also check out the full TrackDayR bikes list here, and the TrackDayR circuit list, here.
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