After a slight delay, the iRacing 2024 Season1 update is now available, with an 11.52GB download if you choose everything available. It adds the new Audi R8 LMS EVO II Gt3, Mugello, Slinger Speedway, a rework of Okayama, and the new damage model for 16 new car models, including the Audi.
Mugello was originally opened in 1974 to replace road races in the area, and is mostly known for hosting the Italian round of the MotoGP championship, althoug it’s also been the location of the 2020 Tuscan Grand Prix in Formula One, and held meetings for World Superbikes, EWC and DTM events and much more. The 3.259 miles (5.245km) layout includes 15 turns, with the long main straight leading to overtaking into San Donato, the first turn. And plenty of elevation changes with the climb to Luco (turn 2), the drop beween Casanona and Savelli (turns 6 and 7), and another climb through Arrabbiata 1 and 2 (turns 8 and 9).
Slinger Speedway is billed as the world’s fastest quarter mile oval, with 33-degree banked corners. It opened in 1948, switching from a clay to asphalt surface in 1974. Along with the oval, a figure eight layout was added in the late 1970s, and along with the 200 lap super late model Slinger Nationals, it’s also hosted the Superstar Racing Experience series in 2021.
Both Mugello and the updated Okayama feature the new 3D curbs, which model every bump and detail, along with 3D foliage (also added to Virginia International Raceway with the update). And the new version of Okayama is a complete rebuild which replaces the previous version. It’s still free as part of your iRacing membership, but all old data has now been replaced.

The new Audi R8 LMS EVO II GT3 arrives inthe update, as a replica of the car introduced in 2022 with a new aerodyenamics package, engine intake system, and four-way adjustable suspensiond dampers. It’s the second evolution of a model which has been competing in GT racing for more than a decade.
Power is up to 430hp depending on the balance of power rules for individual series, with over 550Nm torque and a dry weight of 1,235kg. The 5.2 litre normally aspirated V10 is matched to a sequential six speed gearbox, with everything going to the rear wheels.
iRacing 2024 Season 1 Update Release Notes
- The Login page now remembers if a user has DISABLED Remember Me and persists that choice for the application or browser on that PC.
- – – This change does not apply to Legacy Membersite or the Forums.
- Users with very old installations of iRacing will now be directed to update via the Legacy Membersite prior to using iRacing.
Create a Race
- The order of steps for creating a Hosted Session have been logically improved, allowing for your most important selections to occur early, and improving some selection dependencies.
- The default relative humidity has been reduced from 55% to 45%.
- Fixed an issue where configuring a Fixed Setup for a Multiclass Session was not applying the setup as expected.
AI Racing
- The order of steps for creating an AI Session have been logically improved, allowing for your most important selections to occur early, and improving some selection dependencies.
- AI Racing
- When malformed AI Opponent Roster data is found, an error pill will now be displayed at the top of the page which displays a detailed error message on hover.
- – – This fixes an issue where the malformed data was causing the entire set of AI Opponent Rosters to not display.
Price List
- The price for Nürburgring Combined has been changed from $0 to N/A. A tooltip has been added explaining how this track is obtained.
- – – This track is automatically granted to you once you have purchased both the Nürburgring Grand-Prix and Nordschleife tracks.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on an empty Cart caused an error.
Paint Shop
- Fixed an issue with rendering helmets.
- When purchased, all cars should now feature a random paint scheme pattern utilizing the user’s helmet colors.
- Fixed an issue where the license type was not correctly displayed when a series goes to a different type of track for a week.
- Fixed an issue where some information displayed on a Weather Card could overflow out of the box, and be illegible.
- Custom profile fields, including biography, have been removed from iRacing and the Legacy Membersite due to personally identifiable information (PII) security concerns.
iRacing Web
- As detailed in this post from March on the public site, some functionality of the iRacing UI is now available directly in a web browser.
- – –
- iRacing Web contains a large amount of functionality you are used to, including:
- – – View all currently running Sessions of all types.
- – – Create and Purchase Hosted Sessions (except for sessions with AI Rosters)
- – – View Time Attack Competitions and their Results
- – – Browse & Purchase using the iRacing Store.
- – – View Owned Cars and Tracks (but not car models or paints)
- – – Download Car Paint Templates
- – – Create and Manage Custom Car Classes
- – – Create and Manage Teams and Team Sessions
- – – Create and Manage Leagues and League Sessions
- – – Results & Stats Section
- – – Help & Support Section
- – – File a Protest
- Due to the requirement for some functionality to have a working connection to the Simulation, these areas of iRacing will not be usable with iRacing Web:
- – – Launch a Test Drive or Time Attack Session (may change in the future)
- – – Register for, or launch, a Series, Hosted, Team, or League Session (may change in the future)
- – – Paint Shop
- – – Suit and Helmet Painter
- – – Car Showroom
- – – AI Racing Section
- – – Replays Section
- – – Uploading Fixed Setups
- – – Content Update Status
- You can use this site by going to:
Legacy Membersite
- The Legacy Membersite ( will have most functionality disabled during Season 1 (after the New Year) in preparation for changing to a new anti-cheat system.
- This does not include the endpoints some 3rd parties are still relying on to scrape data and stats.
- – – These endpoints will be getting turned off sometime later in 2024, and anyone using those should migrate their application to the “/data” endpoints described at:
- Improved rendering performance for complex scenes, such as during gridding.
- Several pieces of Rookie content have been added to our REQUIRED downloads list in preparation for a short new player onboarding experience planned for release within 2024 Season 1. These items include:
- – – Formula Vee
- – – Street Stock
- – – Lime Rock Park
- – – USA International Speedway
- A new 3D curbs system has been added to a select group of tracks!
- – – The new 3D curb system fully models all curbing at the track, including small curbing previously simulated via a texture. These new fully 3D object curbs allow for a much greater sense of realism for running over curbs and tire interaction. The following tracks now utilize the 3D curbs system:
- – – – – Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello
- – – – – Okayama International Circuit
- In some areas at some tracks, the lateral distance from the track edge for porous surfaces now increases the rolling drag applied by that surface, simulating an increase in depth of the loose off-track surface. Generally, porous material surfaces start out shallow near the track edge and get deeper the farther from the track surface you travel.
- Grass, dirt, sand, and gravel have had improvements to the feeling of surface displacement.
- For grass surfaces, peak shear strength has been reduced slightly when a tire is slipping.
Race Control
- Fixed an issue where your Average Lap Time in a Practice Session was incorrectly including incomplete laps, for example where you reset to your pit stall.
Oval Racing
- iRacing is happy to release Phase 1 for our Asphalt Oval Refresh Project.
- – – Asphalt Oval Refresh is an ongoing project with the aim to improve the overall experience and realism of asphalt oval racing. This release of Phase 1 includes improvements to the surface grip levels as it relates to surface temperature. This should provide a more dynamic experience overall with factors such as weather, car count, and where cars are running on the track.
- ALL Oval track configs (Asphalt, Dirt, large, small, tri-oval, etc.) now calculate drivers’ SR adjustments based on a factor of 4 corners per lap. Previously, many small Ovals were using a value of 2 corners per lap, which would make penalties more punishing for races of similar lengths than those at larger ovals. This change will help equalize the SR playing field between Oval drivers who prefer small or large oval racing.
AI Racing
- AI Racing is now available with the following new cars:
- – – Audi R8 LMS EVO II GT3
- – – HPD ARX-01c
- AI Racing is now available at the following new track configurations:
- – – Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello – Grand Prix & Short
- – – Homestead Miami Speedway – Road Course A & Road Course B
- – – Silverstone Circuit – International & National
- – – Slinger Speedway – Oval & Figure Eight
- AI Drivers have completed the Autumn 2023 curriculum from the Internet University for Advancement of Simulated Lifeforms. Their course work included the following:
- – – Meteorology Pre-Course: Sky, Clouds, and Other Aerial Phenomena
- – – Kinesthetics Elective with a focus on Attunement to Vehicle Slip
- – – Clown Science HAHA7 – Balloon Animals and Tire Pressures
- – – Community Study in Psychology & Wellness for Improving your Optimism Stats
- – – Geology Level E2 – Identification of Surfaces and Minerals
- – – Applied Petroliology to Oval Racing Tires
- – – Science Lab in Aerodynamic Draft with practical applications for passing on Road Courses
- Fixed several logic bugs with the AI Driver mind program, including:
- – – AI Drivers are now aware they may need to drive below pit speed in pit lane in order to navigate sharp corners.
- – – Fixed an issue where AI Drivers could sometimes not understand that Caution Laps did not count towards laps completed for the race, and could sometimes stop before a race was actually complete as a result.
- – – Fixed a strategy error where some AI Drivers were opting to take pit services during penalties.
- AI Drivers have completed a specialized training course for improved skill with the following vehicles:
- – – GT3 Class Cars
- – – GTP Class Cars
New Damage Model
- The New Damage Model is now enabled for the following vehicles:
- – – Audi R8 LMS EVO II GT3
- – – Dirt Modified (BOTH)
- – – HPD ARX-01c
- – – Lucas Oil Off Road Pro 2 Lite
- – – Lucas Oil Off Road Pro Trucks (BOTH)
- – – NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
- – – NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang
- – – NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry
- – – Super Late Model
- – – [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet Impala COT – 2009
- – – [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet SS – 2013
- – – [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Ford Fusion – 2016
- – – [Legacy] NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado – 2008
- – – [Legacy] Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)
- The visual appearance of suspension damage for a variety of New Damage Model cars has been improved.
- For all NASCAR cars, all cars with hood flaps now function appropriately unless hood damage is too severe.
- The Graphics Autoconfig process has been improved to better determine how much video memory and system memory to use for the Sim.
- – – Any existing memory settings you have specified in the graphics options will be reset the first time you launch the Simulator after updating.
- The graphics Memory Sliders have been removed from the Graphics Options screen.
- – – If you wish to customize this setting, you may do so in the “rendererDX11Monitor.ini”, or the desired VR specific .ini file when using VR.
- A variety of parameters associated with the graphics class settings have been improved.
- The PopcornFX system has been updated to a newer version.
- A variety of dynamic shadow performance improvements have been completed..
- Fixed an issue where a variety of driver helmets for open-wheel cars could visually pop in or out of existence as cameras change distances from them.
3D Foliage System
- Mother Nature has arrived at the following additional tracks:
- – – Lime Rock Park
- – – Okayama International Circuit
- – – Virginia International Raceway
- The overall tolerance for seeded grass overlapping track surfaces has been tightened up.
Virtual Reality
- The OpenXR loader has been updated to the latest version (1.0.30), and has been built as a static library instead of a .dll file.
- Fixed an issue where vehicles with rear engines would play engine sounds from the front-center of the vehicle.
- Adjusted engine off sounds.
- Fixed an issue with crackling in low-frequency effects.
- The incident thresholds for the “wrecking in corner” spotter messages have been adjusted.
- The threshold for the “faster cars approaching” message has been reduced to a 15 second approach.
- The “pit for fuel” reminder notice is now disabled when the white or checkered flag is out.
- Fixed an issue where different damage and repair messages were playing for the driver and their crew members.
- Fixed an issue where the spotter would not correctly report if you had insufficient fuel to finish a Fixed Setups Race.
- Fixed an issue with the “laps of fuel remaining” messages so that it will not re-trigger the same message 2 minutes later.
Spotter – Foreign Language
- Italian Renzo A. Olivieri spotter pack has been updated.
- – – Grazie, Renzo!
- Italian Marco Arcidiacono spotter pack has been updated.
- – – Grazie, Marco!
- Spanish Ari Cejas spotter pack has been updated.
- – – Gracias, Ari!
- War wagons for all cars have been updated, and the algorithms for generating war wagon teams have had their diversity matrix increased.
- Updated some visual settings on the lollipop-guy so that he does not visually pop in/out of existence as cameras change distances from him.
- The lollipop sign texture has been updated.
- Fixed a long-standing bug where the client would not send accurate tire compound selection or setup information if a spectator had joined the event before the user who attempted to view the tire compound selection or setup info.
Sporting Code
- Breach of Rules, Section 8.1, has been updated with specific notations about Automated Driving Inputs and Cheating.
- Application of Penalties, Section 8.2, has been completely rewritten for improved clarity, and some new penalties have been added.
- – – Post-Results Disqualification has been added as a new penalty type in which a participant may be disqualified from an event even after results have been posted.
- – – Some additional areas and types have been added to Restriction and Suspension penalties, including the ability to restrict a driver from a specific Official Series.
- – – The addition of these new penalties provides our Protests Team with new tools to administer measured and fair rulings.
- You can always find the latest and greatest version of the Official iRacing Sporting Code here:
- A toggle switch may now be used for voice chat mute.
- The Joystick smoothing slider help description has been updated.
- Support has been added for a delta time previous display input so you can use a up/down rotary knob to cycle through the delta time displays.
- For the Thrustmaster Ferrari 488 GT3 racing wheel, fixed a bug with the yellow pit light on the rim so it now correctly lights up only between the green cones on pit road. This now lights up solid when you are on pit road, and blinks when you are getting pit service.
- For Razer keyboards, fixed a bug with backlighting that could cause some keyboards to not respond to lighting commands.
- Shift light values are now logged live for the cars that support updating the range per gear on the fly.
- Fixed an issue with the right-click popup menu on the Results tab on the Session screen.
- – – Menu items pertaining to an individual user were disabled unless a driver was actively in the team’s car. Now those menu items will be available if the driver is unambiguous (the team only has a single declared driver).
<Car Class> GT3 Series Cars
- The calculation speed of the traction control (TC) system has been increased.
- ABS parameters have been updated.
- TC and ABS tables have been extensively updated.
- – – Vehicle setups from last season will not be optimized for the new control systems and settings for the TC and ABS changes.
- Tire parameters have been updated.
- Class Balance of Performance has been fine-tuned.
- All IMSA Series cars have had their headlight color adjusted to provide a more warm appearance.
- iRacing setups have been updated for all cars.
<Car Class> GTP Series Cars
- Class Balance of Performance has been fine-tuned.
- The calculation speed of the traction control (TC) system has been increased.
- – – Vehicle setups from last season will not be optimized for the new control systems and settings for the TC changes.
- Tire parameters have been updated.
- Headlight colors have been improved to better mimic LEDs.
- iRacing setups have been updated for all cars.
<Car Class> NASCAR Cup Series Cars (Gen 6)
- The New Damage Model is now enabled for these cars!
<Car Class> NASCAR Cup Series Next Gen Cars
- A New Damage Model tuning pass has been completed on these cars, including: lowered break limits for nose, front fenders, and rear, and increased break limits and lowered stiffness for rear hood mounts.
- For the New Damage Model, fixed an issue where car parts could incorrectly disappear based on camera distances.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
<Car Class> NASCAR Legends Series Cars
- iRacing setups have been updated.
<Car Class> NASCAR Truck Series Trucks
- iRacing setups have been updated.
<Car Class> NASCAR Xfinity Series Cars
- For the New Damage Model, some collision shapes have been updated to better match the car body.
- Updated the interface model shaders for these cars.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
<Car Class> Stock Car Pro Series Cars
- Fixed an issue where the collision size of these cars exceeded their physical footprint, making wheel-to-wheel racing cause impacts instead of intense competition.
- Windshield logo has been updated.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
<Car Class> [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Series Cars
- The New Damage Model is now enabled for these cars!
Acura ARX-06 GTP
- Vehicle parameters have been updated for the 2024 Season 1 Release, including: a slight increase in engine torque, and a slight increase in downforce.
- The HPD logo has been replaced with the HRC logo on all paint scheme patterns except the official scheme patterns.
ARCA Menards Chevy / Gen 4 Cup
- (Gen 4 Cup) – NASCAR Series artwork has been applied to this car.
- (BOTH) – iRacing setups have been updated.
Aston Martin Vantage GT4
- Paddle shift animations have been added.
- The Audi R8 LMS EVO II GT3, a new GT3 Class Car, is now available for purchase and racing!
- AI Racing is available for this car!
- The New Damage Model is enabled for this car!
- Camber and Rear Toe adjustment range limits have been updated slightly, and Caster adjustment has been removed.
- For the New Damage Model, nose frame and splitter shapes have been updated to improve curb strike behavior. Also fixed an issue where the brake lights were not being removed properly when damaged.
- High beam headlights are now separate from low beam headlights.
- Driver paddle shift animation has been added.
- Fixed a Simulator crashing issue that could occur when a caution was thrown while using a cockpit view from this car at night with headlights on.
BMW M Hybrid V8
- Vehicle parameters have been updated for the 2024 Season 1 Release, including: a slight reduction in downforce and overall mass has been increased.
- Fixed an issue with the artwork for the tires when the old damage model was in use.
Cadillac V-Series.R GTP
- Vehicle parameters have been updated for the 2024 Season 1 Release, including: a slight reduction in downforce and slight increase in drag and a slight increase in overall mass.
Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
- Fixed some issues with car parts appearing and disappearing at incorrect camera distances.
Dallara F3
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Dallara iR-01
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Dallara IR18
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Dallara P217
- The calculation speed of the traction control (TC) system has been increased.
- Tire parameters have been updated.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Dirt Sprint Car
- Fixed an issue where the wing could visually flicker often.
Dirt Street Stock
- For the New Damage Model, the suspension damage model has been updated.
Dirt Modified
- (BOTH) – The New Damage Model is enabled for these cars!
- (BOTH) – iRacing setups have been updated.
Ferrari 296 GT3
- Camber adjustment range limit has been updated slightly.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Ford GT GT2 / GT3
- (GT3) – The Traction Control ON/OFF switch has been removed from both the garage and black box. Instead, this car now utilizes the 5-second “TC Disable” function included on the rest of the GT3 Class Cars.
- (GT3) – Aerodynamic drag has been reduced slightly for improved class balance.
- (GT3) – Differential locking has been increased slightly.
- (GT3) – Camber and Rear Toe adjustment range limits have been updated slightly, and Caster adjustment has been removed.
Ford Mustang FR500S
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Formula Renault 3.5
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Global Mazda MX-5 Cup
- Fixed some rendering issues with the stacks of tires in the pits.
- The New Damage Model is now enabled for this car!
- AI Racing is now available for this car!
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Indy Pro 2000 PM-18
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Lamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO
- Several vehicle parameters have been updated for the 2024 Season 1 Release, including: aerodynamic mapping, suspension kinematics, steering speed and a reduction in vehicle mass.
- Engine braking has been decreased slightly.
- The differential now has more locking on power.
- The throttle pedal mapping has been inverted to match new information from the real world.
- Driver animations have been updated, and paddle shifting animation has been added.
- The Garage has been rearranged so that everything is visible without scrolling. A separate Damper tab has been added to the Garage.
- Anti-roll bar size options have been phased out in favor of more available adjustment range in a single bar. This eliminates redundant rates shared by multiple parts.
Late Model Stock
- Windshield banner logo has been updated.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Legends Ford ’34 Coupe
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Legends Ford ’34 Coupe – Rookie
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Lotus 49
- Unfortunately, the New Damage Model is not yet enabled for this car with this release.
- – – Some issues appeared during our final testing, and we are forced to hold the release of this feature for this car. We intend to release it with an upcoming Patch after further testing.
- Front and rear spring rate range maximum has been increased.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Lotus 79
- Unfortunately, the New Damage Model is not yet enabled for this car with this release.
- – – Some issues appeared during our final testing, and we are forced to hold the release of this feature for this car. We intend to release it with an upcoming Patch after further testing.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Lucas Oil Off Road Pro 2 Lite
- The New Damage Model is enabled for this truck!
Lucas Oil Off Road Pro Trucks
- (BOTH) The New Damage Model is enabled for these trucks!
McLaren MP4-12C GT3
- Several vehicle parameters have been updated for the 2024 Season 1 Release, including: a slight reduction in engine torque, a slight reduction in drag, and a slight increase in downforce.
- Camber and Rear Toe adjustment range limits have been updated marginally, and Caster adjustment has been removed.
Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020
- Camber and Rear Toe adjustment range limits have been updated slightly, and Caster adjustment has been removed.
- Updated driver animations to include paddle shifting, brake, gas, and shake animations.
Mercedes-AMG W12 E Performance
- Vehicle paint schemes have been updated.
Mercedes-AMG W13 E Performance
- For the New Damage Model, floor friction has been increased slightly.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Modified – SK / NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified
- (BOTH) – iRacing setups have been updated.
Porsche 911 GT3 R (992)
- Rear Toe adjustment range limits have been updated slightly.
Porsche 963 GTP
- Vehicle parameters have been updated for the 2024 Season 1 Release, including: a slight increase in downforce.
Radical SR10
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Ray FF1600
- For the New Damage Model, wheel and axle damage parameters have been adjusted.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Renault Clio R.S. V
- The rear-view mirror now has the highest priority.
SCCA Spec Racer Ford
- New Damage Model textures have been updated.
- Fixed an issue where the tire tread could appear transparent from certain camera angles.
Silver Crown
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Skip Barber Formula 2000
- Tire sounds have been improved.
Street Stock
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Super Formula SF23
- (BOTH) – iRacing setups have been updated.
Super Late Model
- The New Damage Model is enabled for this car!
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Toyota GR86
- Engine braking has been reduced to better match the real world car.
- Fixed an issue where the car could roll forward in the pit lane by itself.
USF 2000
- iRacing setups have been updated.
[Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet Impala COT – 2009
- The New Damage Model is enabled for this car!
- Blowover arithmetic has been updated.
- iRacing setups have been updated.
[Legacy] NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado – 2008
- The New Damage Model is enabled for this truck!
- Nose and rear bumper parameters have been updated to allow for improved bump drafting.
- The interface model for this truck has been updated.
[Legacy] Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)
- The New Damage Model is enabled for this car!
- iRacing setups have been updated.
Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello
- A new asphalt road racing track, Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello, is now available for purchase and racing!
- Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello includes two track configurations: Grand Prix & Short
- Add Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello to your virtual landscape by purchasing it from the iRacing Store!
- The curbs at this track now are fully modeled 3D objects that should interact far more realistically with cars using the New Damage Model.
- AI Drivers are fully trained to race at both configs for this track!
Circuit de Lédenon
- Pit road speed limit and sign have been updated.
Circuit Zandvoort
- Fixed some issues with objects’ ambient occlusion maps.
Dover Motor Speedway
- Various track signage and advertisements have been updated.
Fuji International Speedway
- Fixed an issue with surface parameters for an area of grasscrete.
Homestead Miami Speedway
- AI Racing is now available at the following Track Configurations:
- – – Road Course A
- – – Road Course B
- (Road Course A & B) – Starting Grids have been updated and expanded to 60 cars.
Hungaroring Circuit
- Fixed a graphical issue with the walls in Turn 3 and Turn 10.
Iowa Speedway
- All Objects around the track have had their materials updated to use our PBR rendering path for improved lighting and shading as well as increased resolutions.
Kevin Harvick’s Kern Raceway
- This track, formerly known as Kern County Raceway Park, has been renamed to reflect its new real-world track name!
- All configurations at this track now have complete night lighting!
Lime Rock Park
- The 3D Foliage System has sprouted at this track!
Lincoln Speedway
- Fixed a split in a wall on the outside of Turn 4.
Lucas Oil Indianapolis Raceway Park
- This track, formerly Lucas Oil Raceway (IRP), has been renamed to reflect its current real-world name.
Michigan International Speedway
- Red and white lines have been added to the restart zone.
Mobility Resort Motegi
- This track, formerly Twin Ring Motegi, has been renamed to reflect its current real-world name.
Okayama International Circuit
- This track has been fully rebuilt from the ground up using the latest and greatest track building tools and methods available
- – – This update was a complete replacement – the original Okayama International Circuit is no more, its data has been completely replaced by the new and improved 2023 version.
- – – Okayama International Circuit remains a FREE track for all of iRacing!
- The curbs at this track now are fully modeled 3D objects that should interact far more realistically with cars using the New Damage Model.
- The 3D Foliage System has been seeded at this track!
Oran Park Raceway
- Fixed some shadow casting and rendering issues with the overpass here.
Richmond Raceway
- Track logo has been updated.
Silverstone Circuit
- AI Racing is now available at the following Track Configurations:
- – – International
- – – National
- (National) – Four pit stalls have been removed, as they were not on a racing surface. This configuration now has 29 pit stalls.
Slinger Speedway
- A new asphalt oval track, Slinger Speedway, is now available for purchase and racing
- Slinger Speedway includes two track configurations: Oval & Figure Eight
- AI Drivers are fully trained to race at both configs for this track
- This track is ready for night racing
Sonoma Raceway
- Fixed an issue where the animated pit stop was misaligned.
Suzuka International Racing Course
- Race Control will now administer penalties for drivers who enter the wrong pit lanes.
- Fixed some shadow casting and rendering issues with the bridge here.
Virginia International Raceway
- The 3D Foliage System has sprouted at this track!
Watkins Glen International
- Fixed an issue where some terrain could be seen poking through some wall edges.
You can sign up to iRacing, here (and credit your referral to ORD, which we’d appreciate!). And see all vehicles included in your basic subscription, or what you can access by paying more, in our full official iRacing car list, here.
Or check out all of the included circuits, and the others you can buy, in our full official iRacing track list, here. And keep up with all the latest iRacing news, updates and eSports, here.
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