If you want a professional level sim racing wheel without an in-built screen then a new option is on the way with the Gomez Sim Industries Hyper Sl wheel announced. Pre-sales begin on November 10th, 2023 with a 10% discount for day one customers.
It joins the existing P1 in the Hyper range. That wheel launched in 2022 with a 4.3 LCD display among the features and currently costs from £1,377.00. Gomez Sim Industries wheels without screens are currently the X-29 from £543, and the GXL Pro from £730.

The new Hyper SL offers a more modern and stylish appearance, along with a whole host of buttons and dials to give you a huge amount of adjustability during a race. Counting up on the front are 12 LED buttons, five push button rotary encoders, four thumb wheels and three seven-way switches, matching the design and features of the P1. Which GSI have described as the ‘most feature rich screenless wheel’ they’ve ever made. And they’re equally proud of the back.

Three sets of paddles at the rear cover all the options you may need (the P1 is available with a choice of 4 or 6 paddles, so the SL is likely to be similar). Judging by the P1 compatibility list, the new Hyper SL should work with Simucube, Simmagic and VRS DirectForce Pro bases, Accuforce via the Accuforce QR, Fanatec direct drive bases with the Podium Hub, and Moza bases via the Moza QR, covering most options in excess of 8nm+ of torque.
The price hasn’t been revealed for the Gomez Sim Industries Hyper SL, but it will probably be somewhere under the £1,377 starting price of the P1. Given that the main difference is the omission of the screen, it’ll probably be closer to that cost, than the current GXL Pro at £730.00.
You’ll be able to find the new Hyper SL wheel for pre-order from November 10th, 2023 on the GSI website. And you can also find Gomz Sim Industries products available from UK retailers including Demon Tweeks.
Check out all of our sim racing wheel and pedals news and articles, here. And if you’re new to virtual motorsport, we’ve got a guide to the best sim racing wheels for beginners, here.
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