A free-to-play blend of driving, shooting and tabletop gaming has arrived with the free-to-play Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks revealed, including an Alpha test version being accessible on the PC via Steam.
The game is being developed by Caged Element and published through Plaion, with the developer previously best know for creating GRIP: Combat Racing. And the full release will include up to 16 players competing with a choice of seven vehicles in Chase Mode, Combat Racing Conquest, or Convoy Mode.

Obviously, it’s not the first game to try and mix driving with combat, and notable examples include the Twisted Metal series and Crossout, which is probably the closest comparison being another free-to-play title.
But the big difference is that Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks draws on the history of the tabletop wargame originally released in 1987 by Games Workshop. Even if if didn’t bring back memories of my time trying to understand the Rogue Trader rules, and my son wasn’t currently obsessed with it, the futuristic fantasy setting does make a change from endless Mad Max post-apocalypse car games (Games Workship actually produced one themselves with Dark Future.
For Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks the focus is on Orks, which makes sense given they love fighting and ramshackle technology. Hopefully, other factions might be introduced in the future, as it would be good to have contrasting Space Marine vehicles and tactics, or Tyranid bikers turning up. Along with the Unreal Engine 5 game being potentially available on consoles if it proves successfuly.
Obviously, any free-to-play title will need to make money somehow, so there’s going to be something to purchase, whether that’s cosmetics, upgrades or new factions. But those details aren’t available yet, with the Alpha Test version including just the combat racing conquest mode and a smaller sample of maps and vehicles to try out.
You can access the Alpha Test of Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks for the PC via Steam, and keep up with the latest Warhammer 40,000 Speed Freeks news, DLC and more, here.
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