There’s not long to wait with the American Truck Simulator Montana DLC release date announced as August 4th, 2022.
One of the main attractions of the lorry sim is to explore new areas, so it’s always fun when a new map expansion arrives. And SCS Software normally add in new features at the same time, so the arrival of Montana includes new Ports of Entry which make crossing into the state more interesting when you need to stop for an inspection. And the new cargo available to haul includes utility poles, circuit breakers, silane gas, waste paper, dumpsters and even an American Garbage Truck on your trailer. Or the big agricultural Beet Harvester if your rig can handle it.

And Montana will feature notable landmarks and towns, including the capital city of Helena, Missoula, and the famous Glacier National Park. Similar to the way Yellowstone has been handled in the game, you’ll be fined if you drive through specific checkpoints with a trailer or cargo, simulating the fact that in real life you’d need a special permit to travel those areas.
Mining will also be a big feature of the DLC, including the Signal Peak Coal Mine, and transporting cargo to and from the Silene Gas factory and Talc factory.
As the map of the America continues to be filled in, SCS Software have already previewed the next DLC expansion pack, which will feature the state of Texas.
Keep up with the latest news and content for the game with our American Truck Simulator coverage, or browse the trucks officially available with our American Truck Simulator Truck List. You can purchase the game and current DLC for the PC via Steam.
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