Many of us try to get away from the outside world when we’re sim racing or playing driving games. But sometimes it’s inescapable, with the Euro Truck Simulator 2 Heart of Russia DLC postponed by SCS Software due to the war in Ukraine.
The developers have done a lot of special events and content to help various charities and causes via their two truck sim titles, including the Hauling Hope and Truck At Home events during Covid lockdowns, and the Pink Ribbon challenges in aid of Cancer charities. After the start of the conflict in Ukraine, SCS Software has been donating proceeds from sales of the Ukrainian Paint Jobs Pack DLC.

With the development of the Heart of Russia DLC approximately 6 to 8 weeks away from completion when the war in Ukraine began, SCS Software questions whether they should continue working on the new content, and despite the intention of being as apolitical as possible, they’ve now decided to refrain from releasing it “so that it is not perceived in any way as being in spoort of or tolerance of the aggression”.
The Heart of Russia DLC may yet be released at some point in the future, as they go on to say “And, when the time comes for Ukraine to rebuild and heal, then we will endeavour to find a way for our Heart of Russia DLC to play whatever part it can in that healing process, for everyone.”
Obviously it’s always disappointing when any sim or game developer has to postpone or refrain from publishing new content for us to enjoy, especially when it’s down to a situation outside their control. And while everyone may have their individual views on it, ultimately we all have to respect that it’s the developers who have the final say on their work.
You can read the full official Heart of Russia DLC statement on the SCS blog, here.
Keep up with the latest Euro Truck Simulator 2 news, updates and more, here. Or check out the American Truck Simulator news, here, along with our full American Truck Simulator truck list. Euro Truck Simulator 2 and all official DLC are available on Steam, here, and you can find American Truck Simulator and all DLC to buy via Steam, here.
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