Last updated on June 21st, 2021 at 10:14 pm
What does the festive season mean to you? Well, if you’re a van of post-apocalyptic car battles, then it means Crossout Update 0.12.30 Snowstorm arrives with a Christmas event, rewards and more.
The Snowstorm event is available until January 17th, 2021, and involves you defending a festive truck from Gronch and his henchmen, and the Frosts brothers, while the truck is moving between bases to pick up and unload gifts. And you’ll also need to watch out for puddles of fire, updated enemy behaviour from the last time the event was available, and side missions.

Rewards include the special Crackers resource which applies to a special work brench, along with leaderboard rewards including a unique Candy exhaust decoration, Green chrome paint, and a Globeduck decor. And there’s also the New Years Fever PvP mission to also pick up crackers.

You can also earn the three special medals associated the Snowstorm event if you missed out last year, which are awarded for destorying Gronch’s armoured car, earning crackers and completing side missions.
Plus your garages will also have experienced snowy weather for the duration of the event, and there’s a new DLC pack including the Bobsleigh armoured car, and the Frostburn pack with the Icebreaker truck.

There are also a variety of more general game changes included in Crossout Update 0.12.30 Snowstorm. These include changes to how Leviathans consume energy if you’re installing several parts of the same type, a new rare reward for completing 12 daily challenges, and lots of weapon balance changes.
- Shotgun “Sledgehammer” – Durability reduced from 115 to 103 pts.
- Cannon “Judge 76mm” – Explosive damage increased by 5%.
- Cannon “Prosecutor 76mm” – Projectile explosion radius increased by 13%.
- Revolver “Emily” – Explosive damage increased by 10%.
- Shotgun “Junkbow” – Reload time increased by 10%.
- Shotgun “Mace” – Durability reduced from 123 to 114 pts.
- Course rocket launcher “Cricket” – Rocket explosion damage increased by 10%.
- Chainsaw “Lacerator” – Damage increased by 5%.
- Shotgun “Fafnir” – Reload time increased by 10%.
- Automatic weapon “Caucasus” – Durability reduced from 314 to 284 pts. Weight reduced from 824 to 743 kg.
- Homing rocket launcher “Pyre” – Rocket turning radius increased by 10%.
- “Kapkan” minelayer – It is now easier for heavy vehicles and vehicles traveling at high speed to break the cable. The mine itself now properly triggers on enemies that are moving at high speed.
- Autocannon “Cyclone” – Improved physical model of the weapon. Time to overheat increased by 25%.
- Grenade Launcher “Retcher” – The location of the barrels on the weapon’s physical model has been improved. Spread reduced by 25%.
- “Fortune” minelayer – The required to launch all projectiles has been reduced by 25%.
- Turret cannon “ZS-52 Mastodon” – Double shot charging time reduced by 20%. The cannon reloads faster by 7%.

And there’s more:
- Added color correction settings (“Settings” – “Graphics” – “Colour correction settings”). With their help you can adjust the brightness, contrast and color depth.
- Now, when browsing ranges at the exhibition, you can familiarize yourself with the list of objects that are insufficient to build the identical range.
- A setting has been added to “Settings” – “Interface” that allows you to select the type of alerts for approaching homing rockets.
- Kapkan’s mines are now highlighted after the cable has been attached to the vehicle.
- Now, if a player has restricted profile viewing via privacy settings, but publishes a link to the range blueprint in the chat, the player will see a notification why this cannot be done.
- Now red barrels (destructible object) explosion deals damage to the vehicle.
- Added destructible objects to the “Lost Coast” map.
- Added 3 new patches for minelayer mastery, 3 new challenges and rewards for completing them.
- Now destructible objects on maps do not block the launch of drones and turrets.
- Improved environmental objects on the maps “Sandy gulf”, “Clean Island” and “Crater”.
- The visual model of the “Small wheel” part has been updated.
- Updated the model of the “Neon Santa” decor.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug when hostile “Nest” missiles could block the launch of the “Argus” module.
- Fixed a bug when the drones might not activate on inclined surfaces.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect location of environmental objects on the “Wrath of Khan” map.
- Fixed a bug with the disappearance of elements of the “Banner” tab when quickly switching profile tabs.
- Fixed a bug that allowed vehicles to be exhibited before reaching the 7th level of reputation with the “Engineers” faction.
- Fixed a bug when it was impossible to save a clan description longer than 20 characters.
- Improved display of links for ranges at the exhibition in the in-game chat.
- Improved mini-map and map plan of “Wrath of Khan” location.
- The model of the “Old container” building object for the range has been improved.
- Improved a number of texts, descriptions and icons.
Crossout is a free-to-play vehicle combat game developed by Targem Games and published hy Gaijin Entertainment. You can find it for the PC via Steam, the Xbox One via the Microsoft Store or the PS4 via the PlayStation Store.
You can keep up with the latest Crossout news, updates and DLC, here.
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