Not content with releasing the gorgeous top-down Art of Rally in 2020, Funselektor Labs will also launch a classic title on a new platform as Absolute Drift arrives for Nintendo Switch in December.
The indie title was released back in 2015 for the PC, and then became available for the PS4 and Xbox One as the minimalist zen approach to drifting cars proved to be a popular game. And the fairly timeless style means it hasn’t really aged, so it should do well on the Switch.

Absolute Drift allows you to choose from six cars with different visuals, sound and handling. And you can compete in three game modes, with Drifkhana, Drifting and Mountain Drifting, on 34 levels, with an additional five hubs for free-roaming exploration.

The drifting mechanics have been optimised for the Nintendo Switch, so you can only blame yourself for any mistakes. But it also means you can take pride in yourself when things work out for your sideways sliding progression.

And you also get more than three hours of electronic and drum and bass by artists including C41 and NYTE to accompany your journey into drifting.
Absolute Drift will be launched on December 3rd 2020 for the Nintendo Switch, and the game will cost €10.99 (£8.99) via the Nintendo eShop. But you can save 20% by pre-ordering.
And for those with other gaming platforms who can’t wait, you can find it for the PC via Steam, the Xbox One via the Microsoft Store, and the PS4 via the PlayStation Store.
You can keep up with news on the latest Funselektor Labs top-down driving game, Art of Rally, here.
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