It’s only a few days since we saw the Hockenheimring Pack launched alongside a game update. But Reiza Studios have kept busy with a minor update over the weekend, and Automobilista 2 Hotfix V1.0.1.2 is out now for the PC sim racing game.
Each update has included a mixture of fixes, adjustments and improvements for Automobilista 2. These include ongoing development for AI and penalty systems.

Automobilista 2 V1.0.1.1 Change Notes
- Adjusted row highlighting on session Load/Save screen to make active column more obvious.
- Enabled keyboard Tab key navigation for setup Save/Load page columns
- Updated “Ready” icon in lobby
- Fixed incorrect icon shown on dedicated servers in multiplayer browser
- Fixed ultrawide alignment issues on vehicle classes dialog screen
- Minor general AI dry performance callibration pass
- Updated track limit system logic to help avoid some penalties when avoiding accidents
- Reduced amount & time of lifting throttle required to pay track limit penalty
- Interlagos Historic: Fixed AI hitting garage door post on exit; updated performance; Set Max AI participants to 31; Fixed AI hitting garage door post on exit
- Hockenheim: Minor art pass to all versions; added screen gantry / pit pole; updated render road mesh to match physical; remove static crash fences from 1977 version; updated Historical & National cameras
- Camaro SS: Added wiper & windshield cleaning animations
- Formula V10 Gen2 – 2 skins Hitwin FR Team
- Adjusted onboard cams for ARC Camaro, F-Retros, F-Vintages, Trucks, Opalas, SprintRace, Puma P052, Stock Cars, Super V8
- Fusca (all variants): Adjusted cockpit POV
Automobilista 2 V1.0.1.2 Change Notes
- Fixed CTD when saving / loading car setups
- Fixed in-game session lengths block displaying wrong values in multiplayer
- Further adjustments to AI behaviour over first lap (ongoing development)
- Further revisions of penalty system & detection of cars to be ignored when going off track (ongoing development)
- Fixed position 6 selecting position 5 on instant replay leaderboard
- Fixed load to frontend placeholder background image
- Fixed text in vehicle selection screen displaying in some wrong situations
- Fixed & corrected StockCar 2020 thumbnails
- Fixed error in Stock Corolla causing a blank red car to load
- Fixed error in one of the new AI personalities causing some drivers to coast to halt
- Further adjustments to ARC Camaro, Truck, Stock Car onboard cameras
- Slightly reduced kart scrub radius
- Further minor adjustments to tyre sidewalls & load damping
- Slightly reduced AI Aggression multipliers for all cars
- Slightly reduced grass, gravel bump amplitude for less bouncing when going off-track
- Hockenheim: Adjusted AI pace in T2, T6 and T8 @ Hockenheim Modern; Adjusted AI pace @ final corner in 77/88 layoutsAdd some pit in/out line cones to 88/01 versions
- Londrina: fixed broken pit exit/entry merge to main path.
- Corrected Stock Car 2019 driver model animations
- Stock Car 2020: Piquet Jr livery update with Extreme SimRacing logo
- Stock Car 2019 – Collision mesh correction
- ARC Camaro – Fixed cockpit mirrors
- Camaro SS Added wiper animations and cockpit vibrations
Keep up with the latest Automobilista 2 updates, news and more, here. Along with seeing everything included in the game with our Automobilista 2 car list and Automobilista 2 track list. And you can buy the game on Steam.
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