Last updated on January 21st, 2021 at 02:29 am
rFactor 2 will soon be available on Steam alongside the older rFactor. There’s an announcement trailer below which promotes the new arrival, along with glimpses of new Stock Cars. They’re now available to race with ‘Stock Car Build’ 1008 with a new download.

Also available are new tracks. Jacksonville SuperSpeedway has been converted from rFactor1, featuring the Jacksonville 500 2.5 mile oval configuration. Also now available is the Brookdale Speedway built by Jarkko “Jka” Kauppi, allowing you to try the Oval 1.43 mile circuit.
rFactor 2 Stock Car Build 1008 Change Log:
In order to take full advantage of the stock car features, it is recommended that users do the following:
1) Enable the StockCarRules.dll and KnockoutQualifying.dll plugins. In single-player, this can be done in the UI Settings. For dedicated servers, operators will have to open the CustomPluginVariables.JSON file (in the UserData\player directory) and set ” Enabled” to 1 for both of these plugins.
2) Download and install the “National Stock Car Racing 2015” mod. This contains many rules settings geared towards stock car racing.
Added a couple pieces of info to the internals plugins: approximate tire radius, and the pitstop lap distance.
Added FrontToeOffset and RearToeOffset garage settings which supplement FrontToeIn and RearToeIn.
Added a tiny bit of configurability to the new ‘Low Speed Info’ message box. PLR file value “LSI Top” lets you set its vertical position or disable it altogether.
Implemented the ability for rules plugins to control whether each vehicle is currently allowed to pit.
Added code to get stock car style gauges to work. will take a number of materials (defined in cockpitinfo.ini file parameter “STOCKCARGAUGE”), and turn them on or off depending on how close the player’s speed is to the pitlane speed.
Added .tbc variable “RoadGrooveSqrdGripEffect” so AIs will experience the same grip curve vs. groove as the human driver does.
Attempt to get AI drivers to be more flexible in their line following when trying to draft on superspeedways. (humans don’t necessarily follow the recorded driving lines) Can be disabled by setting playerfile option “AI Logic Override” to 2.
Added a gizmo to the UI in order to turn plugins on and off. In the future, you’ll also be able to edit custom plugin variables here.
There exists a new multiplayer.json variable “Plugin Heartbeat Rate” which can be turned off or set to different update rates. In addition, the plugin will be signaled that this is a heartbeat update by setting ScoringInfoV01::mGamePhase to a new value of 9 meaning “paused”.
Fixed slow car cycling
Fix for missing update cmps
Fix a problem with admin commands /pitby*
Fixed mod mode camera editor crash on camera selection by disabling camera naming in the release mod mode.
Fixed some problems where vehicles were moved or re-initialized at unexpected times.
Fixed bug with updates not showing in game UI select list.
Fixed bug when creating vmod with updated components.
Added ability to normalize collision corridors in the AIW editor (show collision corridors, select waypoints, then select normalize corridors).
Added # of waypoints selected to the AIW waypoint selection menu header.
Raised line drawning to be 0.1 meters above the track.
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