The Ridge Racer franchise is set to return with the announcement of Ridge Racer Unbounded by Namco Bandai Games Europe, due to appear for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Windows PC, and seemingly influenced by the likes of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, Burnout, Split/Second and Blur, although the press release obviously doesn’t reference the work of Criterion, or the unfortunate fate of Bizarre Creations.
The information references crashes, destruction and ferocious racing. “Ridge Racer Unbounded is a fresh take on one of the most important racing franchises in video game history,” said Olivier Comte, VP Marketing, Sales & Publishing at NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe. “As such, we’re treating it with the reverence it deserves, and with the talented Bugbear team at the helm we’re confident of delivering a game fans new and existing will get a big destructive kick out of.”
The Bugbear in question is Bugbear Entertainment, whose previous games include the Flatout Series (Flatout, Flatout 2 and Flatout: Ultimate Carnage), Sega Rally for the PSP, and Glimmerati for the Nokia N-Gage.
Take a look at the Ridge Racer Unbounded trailer, and let us know what you think – Were you a fan of the earlier games in the Ridge Racer series?
[…] before the release of two new Ridge Racer games – Ridge Racer 3D (for the Nintendo 3DS), and Ridge Racer Unbounded (PS3, Xbox 360 and PC – trailer […]